Every home needs a Littlegood Bear.

Old Bear

Poor old thing was found in a box in the attic. Nobody knows who he belonged too, or where he came from. But what we do know is, he absolutely loves to have bear hugs!

Great Aunt Ruby

Loves sitting in her rose garden, telling stories and sharing memories of when she was a little girl and sometimes she'll open her special tin of homemade biscuits, but be careful you don't get the raised eyebrow!


Or the singing bear as my grandchildren like to call him. Just loves to sing all day long, although I will say its not always in tune.

What he sings... well, I will leave that to your imagination.


Or Sunflower Susie as we like to call her. She loves to put on her floppy hat and sit amongst the golden flowers full of sunshine and happiness.


This little bear would love to give you a rose just to see you smile. He has such a big heart if he could give everyone in the world a rose he would.


Like all us girls Freya loves to wear her best dress, and a bow in her hair makes her feel like a real princess.


You don't need to ask this little bear twice if he would like to go puddle jumping. If there's a puddle, big or small, he just cant resist!

So... put on your wellingotn boots and have some fun, go on you know you want too!